Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does Marino Wool Shrink

Valentina Cádiz, never too late to change their luck, Patty

Age: 9 years

Female Labrador Retriever

X Large size

Valentina , a farmer with bad luck.

puppy from a breeder, was the "ugly" and wanted to get rid of it, but not before earning a few euros.

At 4 months, had barely eaten all the time, as dogs with whom he shared cage, take away food and attacked frequently. His life was

a nightmare.

Shy and fearful, the poor has never known a life in which to feel safe, trust.

Has microchip and vaccinations.

along well with cats and chickens, dogs big and small.

If you want to adopt it, write to:

Animal Protection Association MARISA

Names Of The Parts Inside A Car

Murcia, playful and beautiful Labrador Retriever , Murcia

Edad: casi 9 años

Labrador retriever


Tamaño grande

Cariñosa hasta resultar pegajosa, Patty se lleva bien con muchos perros, con gatos, no hace caso a gallinas, ni tampoco a otros animales.

Enérgica y juguetona a pesar de los años, casi parece un cachorro, sorprende en esta edad.

Se lleva bien con las personas y con niños

Tiene microchip y las vacunas al día

Si quieres adoptarla escribe a:


Bond Interest Formula

(Died) Charity needs a miracle to start the New Year, Cádiz

Age: 9 years female


Size Grande

Charity, its name clearly indicates, it is what this bitch needs to, without penalty, no glory have left at the pound, with the sole purpose of being sacrificed and not have the dignified retirement they deserve a dog after many years of loyalty and devotion to their owner. Need an angel

removal from hell, where to find again the warmth of home and the care and pampering they need the dogs to certain ages. Charity

is waiting for you is compassion, love for animals is an older dog and therefore not be too many years, but he deserves all our respect to live them with dignity. He can give you?

If you are interested in adopting, please write to:

Monday, December 21, 2009

How To Get A Free Rainbow Puffle

Lucas never loses hope, but time is running against him, Bilbao

Age: 12 years


size Medium

Lucas is a 12 year old grandpa was abandoned in the middle of the road, and taken to a house host where there awaits a second chance for half a year.

We have recently taken to the vet where they have been cleaned and a blood test where everything was perfect

has been operated for a benign cyst where everything went right.

Lucas is indeed a boy, despite having had a rough and cruel past, is a super loving dog, friendly, cheerful, obedient ....

All his colleagues have found their second chance as he continues to hope that one day ask for it and will give you the opportunity to experience the warmth of home and the affection of a family.

Located in Bilbao but is sent to any part of Spain to follow the adoption contract and microchip.

Lucas If you want to adopt, contact:

or call by:

Monday, December 14, 2009

Poofy Betsey Johnson Like Dresses

Ebelin, though the years pass, you're always so beautiful, Córdoba

Age: Almost 9 years

long haired Cocker

Medium size needs a family to give as well as love, care.

This bitch is found in the road, blind and filled with all sorts of pinchitos the field, therefore, that you could see the eyes.

After washing and peeling, we found that was complete.

is a long-haired cocker, supercariñosa not made or pee or poop at home, but is blind in one little eye.

has returned to within the eyelid and lashes will stick in the eye causing infection.

Everything is arranged with an operation, while the darling by washing with saline.

do not know his exact age, but around 8 years old, probably.

When people abandon a dog, no mercy.

I do not care the state in which the animal is. Less

evil that we are not all well, on the contrary, there are fewer, although still LEAVING MANY ARE TOO MANY.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Can I Tan After I Got My Eyebrows Waxed

Laika, when the company becomes a nuisance, Almería

Age: 9 years

Size: small Pekingese Crossing


Laika The owner got in touch with us to communicate that no longer wanted to care for her, because just across the street where she lived, very narrow and busy car could catch him.

We wonder what all of you, why not change the street? Because the ride is much longer, because walking is good for health and for lowering cholesterol, but the owner of Laika was unwilling to prolong his life for a dog.

course, we do want to prolong the life of the dog, because his 9 years he still has plenty of life ahead, but not a life based on daily feed with a simple plate of leftovers without a pat hand that no long walks to enjoy the sun, air, the company of other dogs ...

We want a decent life that has never had, we want a family to take her to walk Laika where a pleasure and not an inconvenience.

A happy life for her.

Layka is a docile, loving dog and even though this big girl has the vitality of a puppy.

This in Almeria but is sent to all provinces of Spain.

If you want to adopt Layka contact:

Wedding Centerpieces, Baseball

(Died) Selva, a sad story deserves a happy ending, Asturias

Age: Over 9

Size: large



This is their story told by Alexander:

I remember when I saw behind the bars of its cage. He never showed much interest in approaching me. A few weeks later I ran around the yard with other dogs. Discover that although not much confidence in us, get along with their compis.

On Sunday, it was left to play and seemed a bit strange, pachucha ... When asked what was wrong is when they said I had an incurable cancer. It is then that I decided to do everything in my power to find a peaceful and happy place to rest.

lead may seem sad to die a dog into your home, but simpre know you've done spend the happiest moments of his life. Selva

need help, need someone to lend a hand, someone to help you be happy as long as it is.

need a host to find a permanent home or rather, a decision to live his last days there. It's a case of compassion and love for animals, is his last chance and it has come to stop here.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kenwood Amp Or Sony Amp

(Adopted) Yaya wanted to spend his final days in a warm home, Cáceres

German Braco 12-13 years

Female Big size


They left me tied to the poor, I thought it was a male because from the car when it arrived, I found him penis ...

... is a female with 3 tumors and one of them is great

... Today I called my go to see her but was not ...

... is very old, has already canosita face, eyes with cataract and is something very very very calm down and my old lady.

the bag into the yard in the morning and leave with a group, because when I get 2 to change, I always returned because it is dormidita in one of the stalls outside, my girl.

If you are interested in adopting Yaya, giving him a chance to spend his last years in a warm home, please contact:

and / or

Monday, November 16, 2009

Calories Chinese Curry Chicken

(Adopted) Yorki in seeking urgent kennel out of there, Cádiz

Race : yorkshire terrier
Sex: male
Date of entry to the kennel 10/10/2009
Beautiful and frightened Yorkshire Terrier Kennel Rotaguau, is almost 9 years
need an urgent adoption or sponsorship is not sacrificed.

If you want to adopt or sponsor, contact:



Adopt an Angel Rotaguau and you will be giving Alas

Rotaguau Adopts Angel and the opening will be

Account Number 2077 0837 00 3101064319

Contigo touch the sky!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Prolonged Bleeding On Loette

To lose weight a little help with Feng Shui

'm sure you've tried everything, and the balance always dial the same number. Do not get discouraged. Feng Shui can do something for you.

then knows the simple advice of Feng Shui to lose weight and improve your shape.

  • Evita see the kitchen from the front door of your house. If, unfortunately, your house has this condition, try to create a distraction that takes the light to another place. To prevent eye directly to the kitchen, a couple of ideas: add reversible doors (old-style rooms) or hang one of these canvases hanging Japanese restaurants use on their doors.
  • Use a black tablecloth or placemats can allay cravings.
  • Locate any element in blue or black around, around, or on the refrigerator.
  • Free yourself from things you no longer use. Looking at those places you avoid in a while. The simple act of ridding the house of certain items, and thus lightening the load, can have a slimming effect on the person making action.
  • Pray before eating. If you do not have the habit of praying, then stop, think, and realizate a proposition before eating. Shows that the food we ingest will simply pass through your body and not stick to any part of it. Being conscious in the moments before the food can make a positive spiral that is maintained along the same or even a posteriori.
  • Use mirrors in your home to activate your body and keep it moving. Maybe you can go beyond the snack cabinet. If you've never been in a gym, think of how many mirrors are often inside. Now think about what it would be if the mirrors were not there. It would be just another room with the smell of sweat and closure.
  • The color red is an activator. Placing red in your surroundings with the intent to keep your body and energy activities may be beneficial for weight loss.

some tips I've never heard so, but they sound logical, because I get to experience and tell them how effective they are.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can Herpes Affecting The Heart

Artichoke to lose weight? Magic?? (Part1)

The properties of the artichoke to lose weight are responsible for the benefits derived from incorporating artichoke extract on a diet diet. This plant is:
-Diuretic: acts on water retention, stimulating kidney function.
-Purifying: it acts in the intestine as a mild laxative.
Improves digestive metabolism.
"He has a hepatoprotective effect, having Cholagogues and choleretic action.
, stimulates the activity of the gallbladder, helping the fat emulsion.
-acts on the LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing them.

These benefits presented by the artichoke, help the body detoxify by eliminating accumulated toxins. Therefore, I can tell you that the capsules and tablets Artichoke is an adjunct to diet ideal for dietary
portion of the artichoke used to make capsules and tablets are the leaves, since they contain: Sterols, Magnesium, Potasioy cynarin, a compound that acts directly on the regeneration and proper functioning liver.

The artichoke capsules and pills to lose weight without a prescription and can be found in pharmacies or herbalists. According to the prospectus that meets the capsules are recommended to take 4 to 6 capsules daily, spread over two or three main meals, but remember that no one better than the doctor to know what the best dose for you.

The use of tablets and capsules of artichoke diet is contraindicated in persons
-sensitive to some of its active components. People with obstruction
- Breast-feeding, since their bitter passes through breast milk and may cause rejection by the baby.
-pregnancy, although no studies to determine fetal harm by its consumption, it is unknown what may be the effects that can occur due to the comsumption of doses higher than those achievable by diet.

While the artichoke in its different forms is very well tolerated, may have some adverse effects to take into account, such as bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea., edema.
For all these reasons and for the care of your health, it is best to consult your doctor before taking.

artichokes are not to my complete satisfaction, but I promise to investigate recipes that make it more palatable.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Imagenes De Alguien Con Cancer

need friends

A woman sat on a sofa, drinking tea ice cream with his mother.
As they talked about life, marriage, responsibilities and obligations of adulthood, the mother rang the ice cubes in his drink heavily and then stared at her daughter.
'Never forget your sisters' He said, turning to the tea leaves at the bottom of his glass.
'They will become increasingly important over time.
No matter how much you love your husband, no matter how much you love the children you have, you will need.
Remember to go with them always, always do things with them.
remember that when I speak of your sisters, I mean ALL women ... your girlfriends, your daughters, and all other women who are related to you .. The'll need ..
Women always need them. "

She listened to his mother. Maintained contact with her Sisters and increasingly
had more friends over the years.
As these were happening, a after another, she was understanding, gradually, what his mother meant.
As time and nature have their changes and their mysteries in the life of a woman, your sisters will always remain true.

After my 30 years of living in this world, this is what I've learned: Time passes
Life happens.
distances apart.
Children grow up.
Jobs come and go. Passion
Men do not always do what they are supposed to do.
The heart is broken.
parents or grandparents die.
Colleagues forget favors.
races or professions are postponed.

BUT .........

Tus Hermanas siempre están ahí, no importa cuánto tiempo y cuantas millas haya entre ustedes. Una amiga nunca está demasiado lejos para llegar a ella cuando la necesitas.

Cuando tienes que caminar por un valle solitario y tengas que hacerlo por ti misma, las mujeres de tu vida, estarán alrededor del valle, alentándote, orando por ti, empujándote, interviniendo por ti, y esperándote con los brazos abiertos al final del camino.

Algunas veces, incluso romperán las reglas y caminarán a tu lado ...
O vendrán y te llevaran cargada.

Amigas, hijas, abuelas, madres, hermanas, suegras, nueras, cuñadas
nietas, tías, cousins, nieces, are a blessing in life!

Every day, we still need.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Does Coconut Oil Need Refrigeration

A larger sample.

Things are changing, and is blind who does not want to see.


Chloe decided to enter the local beauty contest in Surrey, England. However, few people were at the outset, gave its support to the young of 1.70 meters tall and size 38 DD bra. Perhaps her mother was the only one disagreed.

Finally, what I wanted Chloe was making a difference in the world of models. "I wanted to get to compete in Miss England to make it clear that to be beautiful, it is not necessary to be high and skeletal" said the girl. "When I met the other participants, I realized that, no matter how beautiful they were, they were all exactly alike," he recalls.

The brown-haired girl came with this message as a flag, it was decided in the contest and beat your opponents to win the title of the most beautiful woman in Surrey and represent your locality in the national competition.

Awards have already begun to arrive. Chloe received a contract with the agency Model Plus. The director of this opinion that his new pupil has a lush body, and a good attitude and commitment that "Marshall modeling change the parameters of your presence."

now, full of satisfaction, says her mother is very proud of her, "mostly because I'm doing something for myself and more people. I hope it will eventually succeed in changing the stereotype of the ultra-thin and unhealthy models, because problems such as anorexia are terrible. "

Now, of course, friends have also joined the court that accompanies your neighbor to see win the title of Miss England. "They are happy, they support me in everything."

But it was not all joy for the girl, who is European size 16 (equal to 42 Mexican) and weighs over 80 kilos, has not missed since he accuses of promoting obesity. In an interview with Hello!, The English version of Hello, the model said a journalist made this accusation. "I am a woman who eat right and exercise (swim, run and I work out with weights.) But I'm also a person who looks in the mirror and do not try to force your body to be something that is not. "

Article published in El Universal Online, on April 6, 2008

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pisces Woman Betrays Scorpio Man

of witches and other demons

Hace unos di­as termine de leer un libro llamado El último ritual de Yrsa Sigurdardóttir, debido a
la trama de este libro, se hace mención repetidas veces a otro libro llamado Malleus Maleficarum
(El Martillo de las Brujas) que fue escrito hace un chingo y dos montones de años, (1486), por dos
monjes inquisidores dominicos, Heinrich Kramer y Jacob Sprenger.

Tanta insistencia en este libro despertó mi curiosidad y decidí conseguirlo para leerlo; a grandes rasgos este es un manual bastante completo sobre como cazar y hacer confesar, (obvio, bajo tortura), a alguien de que era brujo o bruja. Lo que mas me llamo la atención, aparte the entire repertoire of torture, strange stupid questions that people were doing to make sure they really were guilty, (to force) and the fervent religious fanaticism with which it was written, is the fact that the book is quite focused on women. I got the impression that these two types had the idea that the blame for everything bad that happens in this life, women have as a consequence have to chase, submit them and punish them under any pretext and as a place!, (sound familiar?). Besides

think very seriously that these two had serious mental disorders if not even sexual, when you finish reading it and I grabbed one of those lapses versus where you'll travel to the deepest recesses of your brain y. .. a question surfaced.

How things have changed?, Are you really in the XXI century, things have changed?

other responses after long hours of movie were YES and NO, (at least in Mexico).

The city where I live has a relatively modern infrastructure, it is quite "Gringotization"
to the extent that I think is celebrated here but the day of thanksgiving that the cry for independence, its size is also quite considerable and is full industries of all kinds, but the strange thing (or well, maybe not so much) is that despite all this, the mentality of many people, (if not that of the majority, which I dare say, even!), is still stuck in the era of Pancho Villa and his revolutionaries stealing the girls on horseback and throwing bummer that happened the train.

When I first arrived, the first "news sink" that struck me was knowing that here, there are a lot of girls who rent a room, are arrangements, meals, drinks, music y. .., not to make the story long, begin to pay the ballroom for your wedding dress and even then engaged and very happy to get the boyfriend as quickly as possible. Another issue that left me stunned to discover the number of women who are willing to be "the cliques' in a relationship "love."
Over time I discovered more of this kind of strange anomalies, which I thought bank sies in this particular city, (it is clear!, I speak only of this city, like any good scientist, I have picked at random from a universe for my experiment), would not it teaches girls what is the self-esteem? or worse still, are mine and are responsible for systematically erase their ability to think, will, your desires and expectation of better life that could give them a pirated version of "an arranged marriage? or is it simple desire for convenience and control by the male elements of the human race, genetics?, "UFOs or the chupacabra?.

Truth ... We

torturing! and torture now in some strange place belonging to the Inquisition, or the headquarters of the PGR, or safe houses, torture from the very roots of society, torture from the same family have dinner. Torture children will one day women and men, which in turn would be responsible for torturing their children when they are parents and they are grandparents, and their children tortured her grandchildren until the message is recorded in each genetically and transmitted them by DNA. We tortured
ideological and psychological
girls to create "Adelitas" submissive women and unhappy without aspirations, women who experience severe psychological disorders, serious physical illness, women willing to become martyrs of violence and whose only reason in life are half trying to take care of your home and become slaves of the husband as he said that if to do anything to avoid a problem.

ideological and psychological We tortured children to create macho Panchos Villas, whose greatest virtue is yelling at her old fence and beers to the store because he wants to celebrate the national team he won 5.0 to the Yankees, who are experts in use of violence and the only thing that differentiates animals are two neurons, one that lets you talk and the other that lets you scratch the tanates front of the TV while watching football or changing the TV channel. We tortured

for Children, to ensure that they are unhappy and remain that way when they grow up. We tortured
for Children, to ensure that they are unable to do anything as adults. We tortured
for Children, to ensure that no fence to nowhere. We tortured
for Children, to ensure they do not think now or ever. We tortured
for Children, to ensure that we do now and always will

Yes, things have changed, the forms of torture have changed!.
No, still unchanged, still torturing!.

And ultimately, what you are doing is not the same as if we were torturing people until they confess that they are witches and wizards?, Then burned in a fire of green wood producing a burning, pain and a slow agony for the rest of their lives.

Regarding UFOs and the chupacabra, have nothing to do with this, but they are a good excuse to continue to evade our reality and to have someone else to blame, because ultimately that's what we do best.

(Article written by Crash-DMX)