Thursday, August 19, 2010

State Of Ohio Template

"Right Speech" of Mrs. Leonor Tejada, the great Master.

That is why I chose to comment now, "talk right" - What you always wanted to say on TV - where the author, the English linguist preparadísima Leonor Tejada, love the Castilian language, complemented much of their doctrine, which time constraints and a television program where he participated, it was not possible to present and exemplify those emissions Hartnell enjoyed to the "Word Search" under the baton of journalist Jorge Saldana and notable figures in the field. ----

story in entertaining talk colloquially as it came to this Program, his friendship and work with Cohen and Philip Arrigo San Jose countryman of La Rioja, who incidentally, wrote the brief preface of the book, praising the great qualities of the author. ----

In ten chapters and 150 pages, play interesting topics as: "The impoverishment of the English language," linguistic Curiosities "," euphemisms, words and profanity "," A correct syntax "in verbs, adjectives and the use and abuse of the short but important prepositions. ----

"related ideas and paronomasia", a chapter under the name "little bit of everything" is among many things the misuse of words, inconsistencies, a list new words, which authorized or not being heard in modern times, definitions of some words that used to use in that program and answers to questions from the audience who stayed in the air or where there was confusion. Ends with an anecdote "sopaletresco" a "postscript", and at the end and not at the beginning as the "preface" and a general and specific references to "Word Search", more an index that helps a lot in consultations on a particular topic. ----

Wisely, the author presents Leonor Tejada these thoughts: What can be said for a few pocos minutos en Televisión..? y, ¿que se puede explicar, qué ejemplos se pueden dar sin causar confusión..? Porque las palabras vuelan y los escritos quedan, aquí van algunas correcciones necesarias aunque imposibles de captar y asimilar cuando se escuchan a toda velocidad. Eso es lo que siempre quise decir...
Esta breve pero importante obra para los que amamos y queremos mejorar las expresiones de nuestro lenguaje, fue editada por Panorama Editorial, S.A. en 1990, y reimpresa en 1992 en Ediciones Copilco.
Su venta puede encontrarse en varias librerías acreditadas y en tiendas de Autoservicio que tengan departamento de libros.
Mi inmenso love of literature and the pleasure of using language correctly, no doubt led me to recommend it to all of you ...
Greetings attentive, "Alf", the Guadalajara, always at your service.


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